Rob Temple's Blog

Welcome to My Blog where I post regular updates, idea's, exhibition news and things going on in my head. You will forgive me in advance if they appear intermittently as I sometimes struggle to find the time in the day away from cars and crayons. I hope you enjoy my musings ..

Crowds Gather For Art Exhibition In Pickering

Crowds Gather For Art Exhibition In Pickering

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An art exhibition in Pickering attracted crowds to celebrate new work by a Kirbymoorside artists. The event was hosted by artists Rob Temple to showcase his latest work, which included drawings with a Halloween theme. As reports by the Gazette and Heralds , Robs works as a mechanic at Cropton Garage and started drawing last October after borrowing some crayons from his friends 10 year old daughter, Jessica Greetham. Since he started one year ago he has now produced 90 drawings which he creates using crayons, praising their ability to let him 'scribble'. Robs latest art show was held on October 30th and welcomed a crowd of around 100 people. "It went well" he said. "It was worthwhile" "Thank you to Phil and Jill of the Black Swan for allowing me to host the event at their swanky pub" Now Rob plans to continue to pursue his new found passion, and has already started on new work. "It's been a strange year" he said "I'm going to try to make something of it - the daft ideas keep flowing". Rob is currently working on a website to showcase his work.

To see more of his work visit Rob's gallery page here. Alternatively to purchase a framed canvas visit his shop here

Sunday November 27th, 2022
Sunday November 27th, 2022

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I can ship framed canvases of my work anywhere in the world within 24-48 hours of receiving your order.

Robs Random



Changing our perception of the world, one drawing at a time ..

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